About us

What we do

Abdul smiling

Children with lego

An adult and child talking

Statutory and Local Authority directed work

Statutory duties requested and funded by the Local Authority, for example:

  • Statutory advice for formal assessments of special educational needs that may result in an Education Health and Care plan (EHC plan)
  • Critical incident support and advice (following emergencies/disasters) affecting settings and schools

Traded work purchased by schools and settings

  • Casework, for individual children and young people with complex needs, and their parent carers, including: consultation, assessment, written reports, advice, liaison and intervention (as recommended in the SEND Code of Practice 6:59)
  • Advice, (verbal and written), information and practical suggestions for staff to support early intervention and the ‘Graduated Response’
  • Responding to the SEND legislation assistance, assistance, including preparation of reports for requests to the Local Authority for a statutory assessment of need that may result in an EHC Plan
  • Attendance and participation at reviews, Team Around the Child (TAC), Team Around the Family (TAF), Multi Agency Planning (MAP- to agree EHC plan content), Child In Need, Child Protection and Core Group meetings
  • Work with individual staff or staff groups, staff and parent consultations, support and supervision for Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinators (SENDCos), Newly Qualified Teachers and Teaching Assistants
  • Input to parent carer groups and workshops
  • • Helping staff work with groups of children and young people, , for example nurture, social skills, in response to anxiety, stress or loss
  • Broadly therapeutic intervention, at an individual and group level
  • Training and CPD: topics include: motivation, attachment and resilience, emotion coaching, bereavement and loss, cognitive development, behaviour analysis, managing stress, emotional development, supporting parent carers, bullying, staff emotional wellbeing, family mental health, learning styles, advice on specific developmental difficulties, autism and communication
  • Whole school or setting systemic work, Educational Psychologists have training in research and evaluation and can support schools and settings with change management, needs analysis, evaluation of interventions and with developing and managing specific projects

Other work

Parent Carer Forum Drop-in once a month, Educational Psychologists offer one-off informal consultations and signposting

Visit the Parent Carer Forum website