Help if you self fund
If you aren't entitled to get financial help on a long term basis, there are other ways the Council can help you.
We can arrange an assessment of your needs which will help you to decide what kind of care will best meet your needs. It doesn't have to be residential care, there are other ways of meeting your needs which can help you to continue to live at home.
If you ask the Council to assess your needs, we will review your needs on an annual basis or at your request if your needs change. Having an assessment of need and an annual review means that the Council can provide help quicker when your savings drop below the savings threshold.
We will be able to provide you with advice and guidance and help you to deal with any comments or concerns you are having with your care provider.
We can arrange for you to have a welfare benefits check with the Pensions Service to make sure you are receiving the full benefits you are entitled to. Even if you are a self funder you may be eligible to receive Attendance Allowance.
We also operate a deferred payment scheme. People who need residential care and own a house can receive a loan to pay their care costs which they repay when the house is sold. You can't qualify though, if you don't have an assessment of need.