How we can help

What the law says we have to do

Pathway Planning

Rotherham has a responsibility to write down how we’re going to prepare you to Leave Care and how this will be done will depend on your needs, maturity and at a pace that suits you this is called Pathway Planning.

As a young person moving towards independence you should expect to receive the same level of care and support as any other young person would receive from a reasonable parent. This means that your social worker will undertake a Needs Assessment. A Needs Assessment is looking at what is happening for you, how you feel, what your hopes are for the future and how we can help you get ready for the future. This will need to be completed by the time you are 16 years and 3 months or within 12 weeks of you becoming looked after if this is after your 16th birthday

In writing this down your social worker has to consider what advice, assistance and support is appropriate taking into account

  • Your health needs
  • Education, employment or training
  • Accommodation needs
  • Financial Needs
  • Emotional Needs
  • Family relationships and the need to maintain these
  • Race, religion and culture.

You will be fully involved in discussions and plans for your future and completing the Needs Assessment. The next step will be to write the Pathway Plan. This is a plan about your future.

Reviewed at 6 monthly intervals (if you are a looked after child this will take place alongside your looked after review). Or it can be reviewed more frequently at your request or that of your personal advisor or if there are any significant changes to your circumstances including a change of placement.

Rotherham must review your plan until you are 21.

Rotherham must consider any request to return to service after 21 years of age and up to 25 if at any point you wish to return to service.