Towns and Villages Fund: Bramley and Ravenfield Ward

Site Selected

It is proposed that this scheme will make public realm improvements to the area around the Ravenfield Crossroads. This will include the corners of the crossroads as well as the green space fronting the shops on Braithwell Road. 

Ravenfield shops

Current Site Issues

The below map indicates the site area and highlights some of the potential interventions that could be carried out through the Towns and Villages Fund. This has been developed to assist pre-design consultation and we welcome any feedback on this, or alternative ideas for the scheme in this area.

Bramley and Ravenfield ward site issues

The area in front of the shops could be considered for improvements to the existing soft landscaping and this could provide an opportunity to create a more meaningful space for local residents to come together, with improved seating and a paved plaza. The provision of lighting could also be considered, alongside resurfacing works. Upgrades to the public realm would improve the overall appearance for residents, businesses and visitors to the area.

The corners of the crossroads have received attention in the past, but they could also be refreshed and updated. Planting on the corner of Hollings Lane and Moor Lane South could be improved and selective re-planting could be considered. Additional soft landscaping and/or planters could also be considered.

Throughout the area, general upgrading of street furniture could be considered. This could include replacing seating and the provision of knee rails and bins.   

Bramley Road Ward 1
Hollings lane sign
Braithwell road junction

Scheme Progress and Next Steps

The proposed scheme is in a period of community consultation. Face to face events will be carried out and postal questionnaires will be sent out to local businesses, landowners and residents. Consultation through social media channels will also take place

We are keen to hear ideas from local residents and stakeholders.

Should you have any feedback, comments or suggestions on the proposal please forward these by email to or contact your Neighbourhoods Team (details below).

The first consultation has been carried out. The works have been designed and should start on site early 2024.

Concept map


This scheme has now been successfully completed.

Bramley and ravenfield ward results 1
Bramley and ravenfield wards results 2
Bramley and ravenfield ward results 3

For further information on this scheme please contact the Neighbourhoods team:

Neighbourhood Co-ordinator  - Nicola Harding


Telephone: 07748143255

Senior Neighbourhood Co-ordinator - Nicola Hacking


Telephone: 01709 2543