Adult Social Care - Local Accounts


I am pleased to introduce our Local Account which allows us to celebrate what we have accomplished over the last year and commit to our aims for Adult Social Care for the coming year.

In Rotherham we believe in a strength-based person-centred approach to achieve our aim of "People are safe, healthy and live well". To achieve this, we must put our residents at the heart of what we do, and Adult Social Care is committed to this ethos.

We are proud of the relationships we have built within our local communities to improve our services and of the improvements we have made in terms of timeliness of the services that we offer. Looking forward, we are committed to gaining meaningful feedback that will actively shape future services that we deliver for the residents of Rotherham.

We will also continue to work collaboratively with partners to ensure that what we offer enables our residents to thrive and live their best lives.

Portrait of David Roche

Councillor David Roche, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health.