Rotherham Military Community Veterans Centre (MCVC)

Rotherham Military Community Veterans Centre’s aim to provide and information service to help all service and ex-service military personnel and their families in Rotherham and its surrounding towns and villages.

They provide two key services to help veterans during their return to civilian life.

Comradeship to help make a positive difference to the wellbeing of veterans. They run weekly and fortnightly meetings where veterans can get together to share their stories and discuss aspects of their day to day lives.

Advice and Support for those returning to civilian life, the day to day tasks that most people take for granted can be a challenge. Roles within the armed forces can be very specialised and many veterans leave without much knowledge of the outside world.pTo combat this, MCVC members and volunteers are on hand to provide advice and support on a wide range of issues such as Healthcare, Housing, Employment and Benefits.
