Towns and Villages Fund: Aughton and Swallownest

Site Selected

Rosegarth Avenue shopping parade.

The proposal will look to improve the appearance of the area, improve accessibility, car parking and add elements of soft landscaping.

Aughton and Swallownest Ward

Current site issues

The Rosegarth Avenue shopping parade and the adjacent Parish Hall act as the hub of the local community. It is considered that the area would benefit from general updating and for opportunities to add soft landscaping, such as trees and planting, to be explored.

There are some level differences between the floor level of the commercial units, the forecourt areas outside of these units and the footway. Existing steps and ramps require upgrading and remediation.

There is no designated crossing point for pedestrians between the shops and the Parish Hall.

Littering appears to be an issue along the shopping parade, despite existing bins appearing to be well used.

There is an issue of vehicles parking on the footway outside the shops.

The perimeter of the Parish Hall site is bounded by concrete bollards, which appear dated. This site would benefit from an improved boundary treatment and enhanced soft landscaping.

It is considered that a general uplift of the area is required to provide an improved environment for local businesses, customers, residents and people passing through the area.

Rosegarth shopping parade
Rosegarth shopping parade
Rosegarth shopping parade

Details of proposal

The scheme will improve accessibility to the shops, through improved steps and ramped access. The junction will be realigned, and a pedestrian crossing point will be provided across Rosegarth Avenue. Car parking will be formalised outside the shops and planters will be added, which will include trees and shrubs. Improvements to the external areas of the Parish Hall will also be carried out to enhance the wider area. This will involve the provision of knee rails and new hedge and shrub planting.

Aughton and Swallownest plans

Scheme progress and next steps

Community consultation on the draft proposal took place in 2022.

Feedback from the consultation has been evaluated and incorporated into the detailed design for the scheme.

You can find out more about the plans and the consultation that took place by watching the video below.

This work has now been completed. 


Aughton shop front
Aughton pavements
Aughton pavement and trees

For further information on this scheme please contact the Local Neighbourhoods Team:

Neighbourhood Co-ordinator - Dawn Thomas


Telephone: 01709 254243

Senior Neighbourhood Co-ordinator - Andrea Peers


Telephone: 07717 450973