Rotherham's Flexible Purchasing System (FPS)
The Flexible Purchasing System (FPS) provides a range of accommodation and support packages for young people aged 16 to 25, who are looked after, or who have left care and have identified support needs.
The main aims of the services to be provided under the system are that young people are:
- safe and secure
- prepared and ready for adulthood and independence
- supported to develop resilience and the ability to make good decisions.
There are four individual service categories required within this framework:
- group living
- supported tenancy
- floating support only
- family based accommodation and support
The rules linked below govern the conduct of the FPS. They set out:
- When member providers can require the Local Authority to conduct a new competition for Tier 1 Provider places; and
- When the Authority may unilaterally conduct a new competition for Tier 1 places.
Flexible Purchasing System - Rules. Please note: this document may not be suitable for assistive technology users.
Quarterly monitoring return
As part of Rotherham’s FPS, providers are asked to complete and return a monitoring report every quarter.
The monitoring report allows the allocated officer to keep up-to-date on any changes in the organisation, and have an overview of your service's operational matters (this does not replace reporting any immediate issues to the allocated Social Worker, and Commissioning if required).
This report must be completed accurately and submitted by the below dates:
Quarter |
Period |
Quarterly monitoring return submission date |
1 | April - June 2021 | 16 July 2021 |
2 | July - September 2021 | 15 October 2021 |
3 | October - December 2021 | 21 January 2022 |
4 | January - March 2022 | 15 April 2022 |
To submit the report, or to request a report template, please email