Rotherham Analogue to Digital Telephone Switchover: Information for Residents

Landline Upgrade: What You Need to Know

Between now and 31 January 2027, phone providers are upgrading from outdated analogue lines to a brand new digital network, ensuring a more reliable and future-proof connection for years to come.

Navigating the Switch

Most residents can expect a smooth transition. Your phone provider will reach out directly before the switch, and in some cases, it's as simple as plugging your phone into your broadband router.

Important Points to Remember

  • Power Cuts Won't Disrupt You: While the new network doesn't function during power outages, mobile phones will continue to work. Additionally, your provider will offer solutions for making emergency calls in such situations.
  • Rothercare Users: Your telecare equipment will receive a free upgrade too. A friendly team member will contact you to arrange a convenient swap, and the new equipment utilizes mobile SIM cards, eliminating the need for a landline connection.

Safety First

  • Free upgrade: Beware of scams - if anyone demands payment, it's a fraudulent attempt. Always verify with a trusted friend, family member, or the council before acting.
  • Protect Your Home: Only allow pre-booked and confirmed personnel access to your property. Always verify their identity and appointment details before letting them in.

Stay Informed

Look out for further information from your phone provider closer to the switch date.

For more details, explore these helpful resources:

Relax and Enjoy the Upgrade

Your phone provider will guide you through everything you need to know. Get ready to experience a more reliable and future-proof landline connection.