Rawmarsh East ward

Ward profile

Ward description



Housing and Households

Employment, Benefits and Pension

General Health and Disability

Lifestyles and Specific Health Issues


Crime and Anti-social Behaviour

Index of Multiple Deprivation 2015 and 2019

Data sources

Rawmarsh East ward map


Rawmarsh East Ward lies in northern Rotherham with a population of 9.545 (2021 census). The ward is represented by two members of the Council. Overall, Rawmarsh is an urban area with 18,900 residents, split between two Rawmarsh wards. The ward has a mixture of residential areas with Parkgate having the most terraced housing. Central Rawmarsh and Parkgate are fairly deprived areas. The far south of the ward is a commercial and industrial area which includes part of Parkgate Retail World and industrial areas. There is open countryside on the northern fringe of the ward. The east of the ward includes the Aldwarke steel works.

Population by Age

2021 Census Population Percentage Rotherham Average
Aged 0-15 1,992 20.0% 18.9
Aged 16-24 947 9.9% 9.6
Aged 25-44 2,506 26.3% 25.1
Aged 45-64 2,512 26.3% 26.8
Aged 65+ 1,588 16.6% 19.7
Total 9,545 100% 100%

Population change since 2011: +707 (+8%) (Rotherham +3.3%)

The population of Rawmarsh East ward has increased by 8% since 2011 at a faster rate than the increasing borough population.  The age structure of the population is slightly younger than the Rotherham average.


Official population ethnicity data is collected and analysed every ten years as part of the National Census. Unfortunately, this breakdown is not included within the annual mid-year estimate statistics published by the Office of National Statistics (ONS).

Local populations can change significantly during the lifetime of this dataset. Therefore, as a local proxy we utilise the annual School and Pupil Census data to create an estimation of the current ethnicity breakdown.

The table below provides the ward analysis of the 2011 census, 2021 census and 2020 School and Pupil census by the ethnic groupings used by the ONS.  In order to protect against disclosure of personal information, records have been swapped between different geographic areas and counts perturbed by small amounts. Small counts at the lowest geographies will be most affected.

  2011 National Census

2020 School and Pupil Census

Ethnic Group

Ward population

% Ward population

% Rotherham Population

% Pupils living in Ward

% Pupils living in Rotherham

White British 8,425 95.3% 91.9% 88.7% 80.8%
White Other 122 1.4% 1.7% 2.8% 4.7%
Mixed/Multiple 101 1.1% 1.0% 4.5% 3.2%
Asian/Asian British 92 1.0% 4.1% 1.4% 8.3%
Black/Black British 72 0.8% 0.8% 0.7% 1.6%
Other Ethnic group 26 0.3% 0.5% 1.3% 0.8%
Not known - - - 0.5% 0.6%
Ethnic minority total 413 4.7% 8.1% 10.8% 18.6%
  2021 National Census
Ethnic Group

Ward population

% Ward population

% Rotherham Population

White British 8,794 92.2% 88.3%
White Other 249 2.6% 2.8%
Mixed/Multiple 161 1.7% 1.4%
Asian/Asian British 161 1.7% 5.3%
Black/Black British 11 1.2% 1.1%
Other Ethnic group 64 0.7% 1.1%
Not known - - -
Ethnic minority total 748 7.9% 11.7%

Rawmarsh East is among the 80% of wards in Rotherham where the white British population exceeds 90%. However, the 2020 School and Pupil Census shows ethnic minority pupils accounting for over 10%.

Housing and Households

Dwellings in 2021: 4,432 (3,877 in 2011), Households in 2021: 4,199 (3,806 in 2011)

The number of dwellings in Rawmarsh East has increased since 2011, with dwellings increasing by 555 (+14%) and there are 393 more households (+10%). In 2021, there are 233 more dwellings than households in Rawmarsh East signalling a small housing surplus in the ward.

2021 Census Detached Semi Terraced Flats Total
Owner Occupied 368 1,333 19 27 2,277
Social Rented 44 183 233 59 1,132
Private Rented 64 309 117 60 790
Total 476 2,305 369 146 4,199

Most housing Rawmarsh East is semi-detached, and owner occupied. The proportion of social rented housing is above average, most being either semis or flats.

Council Rented Properties in 2021: 1,073 (890 houses and 183 flats), 24% of dwellings.

Employment, Benefits and Pensions

Employment by Industry (2019) Number Percent Rotherham
Manufacturing & Production 50 5.4% 15.6%
Construction 35 3.8% 7.5%
Motor Trades, Wholsale & Retail 100 10.9% 15.6%
Transport & storage 205 22.3% 4.8%
Accomodation & food services 50 5.4% 5.9%
Information & communication - 0.0% 3.3%
Financial & Insurance - 0.0% 1.3%
Property - 0.0% 0.5%
Professional, scientific & technical 15 1.6% 4.0%
Business administration & support services 40 4.3% 8.6%
Public administration & defence 100 10.9% 6.0%
Education 200 21.7% 9.0%
Health 105 11.4% 13.8%
Arts, entertainment, recreation & other services 20 2.2% 4.2%
Total 920 100% 100%

Most employment opportunities in Rawmarsh East are based in transport, storage, and education. Production industries are well below borough averages. Employment levels in the ward depend on opportunities elsewhere as local jobs are only sufficient for 17% of local workers.

Benefits and Pensions (ONS)

Claimant count

March 2022

No. of claimants in ward

March 2022

% of ward population aged 16-64

March 2022

Rotherham average %

March 2023

No. of claimants in ward

March 2023

% of ward population aged 16-64

March 2023

Rotherham average %

395 6.6% 5.1% 340 5.7% 4.5%

The proportion of people claiming benefits in Rawmarsh East is above the Rotherham average.

Child Poverty (DWP)

The table below shows the number and percentage of children (aged under 16) living in Absolute low-income families in the ward and in Rotherham.

No. and % of children (aged under 16) living in Absolute low-income families

Ward No. of children 2020/21 % of children 2020/21 No. of children 2021/22 (p) % of children 2021/22 (p)

Rawmarsh East

486 23.4% 327 15.7%
Rotherham (total) 11,276 21.9% 8,989 17.9%

Child poverty in Rawmarsh East is below the borough average.

General Health and Disability

General Health bad or very bad (Census 2021): 7.8% (Rotherham 7.0%, England 5.2%)

Limiting Long Term Illness or Disability (Census 2021): 23.4% (Rotherham 21.1%, England 17.3%)

DWP Disability Benefits (Qtr to Aug 22) Number Percentage Rotherham Average
Attendance Allowance (aged 65+) 260 16.4% 13.2%
Disability Living Allowance (all ages) 352 3.7% 3.1%
Personal Independence Payment (16-64) 632 10.6% 9.3%
Total on Disability Benefits 1,244 13.0% 11.4%

Rawmarsh East had rates of poor health and disability slightly higher than the borough average in 2021 but well above the national average and above average disability benefit claim rates.

Lifestyle and Specific Health Issues

Over 70% of health and lifestyle indicators are worse (have higher rates) than Rotherham average. Additionally, over a third of indicators are significantly wose, particularly in terms of higher rates of emergency hospital admissions for COPD, premature deaths and deaths from cancer age under 75.

Rawmarsh East ward has lower (worse) life expectancy at birth compared to Rotherham overall (3.0 years less life expectancy for men and 1.8 years less for women) (2016-2020).

Compared to Rotherham average, Rawmarsh East ward is better for (has lower rates/less):

Disease & poor health

Emergency hospital admissions for hip fracture in persons 65 years and over.

Incidence of breast cancer.

Incidence of colorectal cancer.

Behavioural risk factors and child health

Smoking prevalence at age 15 - regular smokers.

Smoking prevalence at age 15 - regular or occasional smokers.

In contrast Rawmarsh East ward is worse for (has higher rates/more):

Life expectancy & causes of death

Deaths from; all cancer, all ages; all causes, all ages; respiratory diseases, all ages, stroke, all ages; all causes, under 75 years; all cancer, under 75 years; causes considered preventable, under 75 years.

Disease & poor health

Emergency hospital admissions; for Myocardial Infarction (heart attack); for stroke; for coronary heart disease; for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

Behavioural risk factors and child health

Emergency hospital admissions; in under 5 years old; for injuries in under 5 years old; for injuries in 15 to 24 years old.

Reception: Prevalence of obesity (including severe obesity).

Deliveries to teenage mothers.


‘Better’ and ‘worse’ based on differences over 10% from Rotherham average.

Data represents persons all ages unless otherwise specified.

Cancer incidence data based on 2016-2019, children emergency admissions/A&E attendances/admissions for injury 2016/17-2020/21, life expectancy & mortality 2016-2020, hospital admissions/stays/emergency admissions 2016/17-2020/21, children’s weight indicators 2019/20-2021-22, deliveries to teenage mothers 2016/17-2020/21, general fertility rate – live births and low birth rate 2016-2020.

Smoking data based on modelled estimates from 2014.

Percentage of people with limiting long-term illness or disability from 2011.

Source: Office for Health Improvement & Disparities, Fingertips Public Health Data.


(only highest level of qualification/level 4+ and no qualifications updated with 2021 census data)

Local Secondary School: Rawmarsh Community School (Academy)

Early Years – Good Level of Development - 2019: 63.9% (Rotherham 70.3%, England 71.8)

Key Stage 2 – Reached an expected level in Reading, Writing & Maths - 2019: 63.6% (Rotherham 59%, England 65%)

GCSE attainment in English & Maths - pass at 9-4 level (A*-C) - 2019

42.4% (Rotherham average 51.9%)

Primary and secondary attainment in 2019 was below the Rotherham averages.

Highest Level of Qualification (2021 Census):

Level 4 or above 15.7% (Rotherham 23.1%, England 33.9%)

No Qualifications 27.8% (Rotherham 23.4%, England 18.1%)

Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)

Recorded Crime (2020): 873 (99 per 1,000 population) (Rotherham 90 per 1,000)

Recorded ASB (2020): 223 (25 per 1,000 population) (Rotherham 25 per 1,000)

Levels of recorded crime in Rawmarsh East are slightly above the Rotherham average; ASB levels are on par with the Rotherham average.

Index of Multiple Deprivation 2015 & 2019

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is a Government index for all areas in England. The 2019 index uses 37 indicators across 7 deprivation domains (themes) with a 2013/14 baseline. The IMD is only produced for Lower-level Super Output Areas (SOAs) of which there are 167 in Rotherham (around 8 per ward) and 32,844 in England, each with around 1,500 people. SOAs are ranked across England where 1 is the most deprived. Any rank below 3,285 indicates that an area is within the 10% most deprived areas of England.

Rawmarsh East IMD map

Deprivation in Rawmarsh East

Deprivation in Rawmarsh East is well above the Borough average and in most of the ward is also well above the national average. There are 2 neighbourhoods which are more deprived than the ward average. Rawmarsh North East and Rawmarsh South are within the most deprived 10% of England.

Indices of Deprivation
Deprived of Income Persons Income deprived Percent
All people 8,758 1940 22% 24% 17%
Children 0 -15 1,754 505 29% 32% 22%
Working age 16-59 4,981 965 19% 21% 15%
Older people 60+ 20,023 470 23% 26% 16%

Income deprivation is above average in Rawmarsh East for all age groups. Children are more likely to be affected by income deprivation than adults, with the level being above the Borough average.

SOA Code SOA Local Name IMD
E01007771 Ryecroft West 17.5 14.7 16,578 18,967 6 6
E01007773 Ryecroft North 35.1 61.6 5,844 7,493 2 3
E01007774 Ryecroft South 32.0 31.9 7,081 7,348 3 3
E01007775 Rawmarsh
North East
59.3 62.2 973 740 1 1
E01007776 Rawmarsh 
South West
31.9 31.4 7,127 7,589 3 3
E01007783 Rawmarsh 
45.7 35.1 2,909 6,089 1 2

The IMD is not published for wards but the average SOA score in Rawmarsh East is 37 (35 in 2015), well above the Rotherham average score of 29 (28 in 2015), with an SOA equivalent rank of 6,752 (21th percentile).

Data Sources

2011 Census, 2021 Census, ward population estimates: Office for National Statistics

Employment data: Business Register and Employment Survey, ONS (via NOMIS)

Benefit data: Department for Work and Pensions (via NOMIS)

Child poverty data: HM Revenue and Customs

Local Health Indicators: Public Health England. For non-commercial use only.

Hospital Admissions: Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC)

Modelled smoking prevalence estimates: University of Essex, Office for National Statistics and other sources.

Mortality: Office for National Statistics. (ONS)

Dwellings, households, council benefits, educational attainment: Rotherham MBC

Crime and ASB: South Yorkshire Police

Indices of Deprivation 2015 & 2019: Department for Communities and Local Government

Office for National Statistics sources licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.

Rotherham School and Pupil Census (January 2020)