Ravenfield Parish Council Community Governance Review

The substantive consultation closed on 29 February 2020

We are asking Bramley and Ravenfield residents, businesses and other members of the public with an interest in the review in to have their say on proposed changes to the way the parish councils currently work in these areas.

This is known as a Community Governance Review.

See the terms of reference for this review

A review provides an opportunity for principal councils (like Rotherham Council) to review and make changes to community governance in their areas.

Such reviews can be carried out when there have been changes in population or in reaction to specific, or local new issues to ensure that the community governance for the area continues to be effective and convenient, and reflects the identities and interests of the communities involved.

In this case, the review is being carried out in response to a petition from some residents asking us to consider the current arrangements. Before any draft or final recommendations are made we are consulting with all local residents to take account of their views.

Two proposals are being considered and people are encouraged to have their say by the deadline of Friday 28 February.

We have organised two drop-in sessions:

  • Bramley Parish Hall, Fletcher Room, Thursday 5 December, 2pm to 6pm
  • Ravenfield Parish Hall, Tuesday 10 December, 2pm to 6pm

During this review the council will take into account the relevant guidance and legislation and will consider each case on its merits and on the basis of information and evidence provided during the course of the review.