This consultation is open from 11th of November 2022 until the 23rd of December 2022
Rotherham Council is asking for comments on the proposed changes to enforce moving traffic offences in Rotherham.
The Council is looking to apply to the Department for Transport for new enforcement powers to help improve road safety and reduce congestion at known problem sites.
Rotherham Council will soon have the opportunity to apply for new civil powers to enforce moving traffic regulations under Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 (TMA). This means that the Council would be able to introduce measures to enforce certain types of moving traffic restrictions, such as banned turns and pedestrianised area incursions in the interest of public safety.
The aims of undertaking enforcement would be to: improve highway safety, for example by preventing collisions; reduce traffic congestion; improve air quality; improve journey time reliability; and safeguard pedestrians.
Civil enforcement of moving traffic restrictions would be undertaken by using established Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera technology to issue penalties sent by post for road users who continue to ignore the restrictions.
Your Data
Your data Privacy notice Rotherham Council is seeking your views, comments, and information about you in order to understand your views on the proposed sites for new measures to enforce traffic restrictions. Your participation in this consultation is voluntary. You may refuse to take part or stop taking part at any time without penalty.
The information you provide in this Response Form will only be used for the purpose for which you are providing it, being this consultation All data will remain within the EEA/UK and will only be shared with third parties where they are undertaking data processing on behalf of Rotherham Council relevant to this consultation.
As part of this consultation, we will securely keep your personal information for one year, after which it will be deleted and/or confidentially destroyed.
For further information please see the Council’s Privacy Notice pages here Privacy Notice (Right to be informed) – Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council. If you have any concerns about how the Council uses your data, you can raise these with the Council via our online form here General Data Protection Regulation enquiry – Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.
More details about your information rights can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Office website of . ICO are the relevant regulatory body for data protection matters.