Process for handling public requests for 20mph speed limits and zones
Requests for 20mph speed limits and zones will be logged on to our computer system (known as the Council Geographical Information System, or GIS). The requestor will be written to, to confirm the request has been received and has been recorded for consideration for future work programmes.
20mph speed limits and zones will be introduced through one of the following routes:
- As part of the Local Neighbourhood and Road Safety programme, requests for 20mph limits and zones will be presented to ward members, along with survey data (on road traffic accidents and potential for walking and cycling routes), data on predicted road speeds and traffic volumes following the introduction of the zone, and an assessment of the amount of work required (including any necessary physical traffic-calming measures) and total cost. Ward members will then agree project(s) they wish to see entered into the capital programme. For the project to enter the programme, it must also be approved by the Minor Projects Board and the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment.
- 20mph limits and zones may also be included as part of a bigger major project - for example, those funded by City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS), having consulted the record of public requests and considered the necessary background information and data.
- Sometimes a 20mph scheme is developed following a collision and investigation report, to respond to a pattern of recorded injury collisions on the highway network.
- Finally, a 20 mph or zone may be introduced as the result of a Planning Approval for a development site.