Have your say on the Safer Rotherham Partnership Priorities for 2025-28

The Safer Rotherham Partnership is reviewing its priorities for the next 3 years.

We would like to find out from people who live, work or have businesses in Rotherham, or who visit Rotherham for shopping, leisure and social activities, what their views and ideas are to make Rotherham a safer place for everyone and identify local priorities.

Responses will help inform the work of the Safer Rotherham Partnership over the next three years.

The Safer Rotherham Partnership is made up of senior representatives from the following organisations:

  • Rotherham Council
  • South Yorkshire Police
  • South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
  • Probation Service
  • South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
  • South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
  • Voluntary Action Rotherham
  • South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit and Victim Support

Partners work together to create strong strategic action plans for leadership, planning, problem solving and performance management to deliver positive solutions for the people of Rotherham.