Report a change affecting Council Tax

It is important that you let us know about changes straight away. If you don't, you may end up paying the wrong amount of Council Tax.

Things you must tell us about 

  • If someone comes to stay with you for a period of time. This may affect any discounts that you get on your Council Tax bill
  • If someone moves out. If you now live alone and are over age 18 you could get a Single Person Discount

You must tell us about any changes by registering and signing in to 'Your Account'.

Sign in or register for Your Account

Find out more about Your Account

Changing address

If you change your address or move in to Rotherham you can also notify us here Change your address

Change in name

If you change your name, for example due to marriage or divorce you can also inform us by completing the name change report

Other changes

If you wish to report anything else, you can use the Council Tax enquiry form.