Pay your Council Tax

Other ways to pay

Pay by telephone

Use your debit or credit card to make payments on our 24 hour automated telephone payment line

Telephone: 0300 456 2776

Calls charged at the local rate.

Pay by bank

You can make payments to the Council using 'Faster Payments'.

Sort Code: 30-80-12

Account Number: 26467460

Bank Address (if required):

Lloyds Bank Plc
9 Wellgate
S60 2LU

To ensure the payment goes to your account you must include your invoice / full account number in any reference field.

Find out about Faster Payments

Pay in person

You can make payments to the Council free of charge at any shop or store displaying the Paypoint Logo.

Find a PayPoint

You can also use any Post Office to pay Council Tax, Rent or Sundry Debtor invoices.

Please take your bill / invoice with you, as the barcode on the front will need scanning.

Find a Post Office

You should allow 5 working days for payments to reach your account.