Digital Strategy

Our Digital Principles

This Strategy is based upon several key principles which will provide a framework within which the Council will work:

  • secure by design: The security of our systems and data is of paramount importance. Security will be designed into our processes, procurements and developments at all levels
  • meet user needs: We will understand and validate user needs and ensure these drive the decisions that we make and the services we provide
  • share and reuse: Most Local Authorities do the same things in very similar ways. We will always seek to join up with others and share. We will learn from others and reuse existing software, processes and ideas
  • adopt, not adapt: Large scale or complex customisations to exactly meet business requirements will be avoided wherever possible, instead business processes will be modified to meet the procured software’s approach to a process
  • agile: Regardless of whether we are buying a product or building something ourselves we will adhere to an agile way of working to ensure we prioritise the most important things first, for delivery in the shortest possible time


The ambition we have laid out requires a step-change in approach and culture within the Council and how we exploit digital technology.

It provides enormous potential to transform the way we work and deliver services in Rotherham, but in order to realise this potential, we need to embed a digital way of thinking across the Council.

In the current financial climate this represents a significant challenge, but it is one that we need to overcome in order to deliver a high level of service for Rotherham’s residents over the coming years and to ensure we and therefore they are not left behind.

A version of the Digital Strategy is available to download in PDF format.

Download the Digital Strategy