Bench at Breck Lane - Ward Housing Hub Projects 2020-2021

Project Reference
Project Title
Bench at Breck Lane
Location of Project
Breck Lane
Ward Plan which includes the Ward Priorities
Overview (including aims)
A wooden bench located on the pavement outside of a property on Breck Lane, Dinnington is in a poor state. The wood is rotting and there is a green alga growing on the wood which is slimy, preventing the residents from using it. This bench is to be removed and an Eco-Plastic bench is installed which is in keeping with the area and allows a safe place for residents to once again sit.
Consultation Status
Consultation have now been completed for this project
Who has been Consulted
Residents of Breck Lane and tenants and ward members at an area assembly
How many Council Tenants will Benefit
All residents of Breck Lane and the locality
How will the Success be Measured
Through community feedback
Date Project Suggestion/Proposal Received
Date Project was Approved by Councillors