CCTV at Bear Field - Ward Housing Hub Projects 2020-2021

Project Reference
Project Title
CCTV at Bear Field
Location of Project
Bear Field
Ward Plan which includes the Ward Priorities
Overview (including aims)
reports from residents regarding bonfires, fly tipping and off road motorbikes on the field.
Fly tipping and bonfire remnants are found almost daily on the field and the area is unsightly and hazardous to children and residents who use the area to play football and also people using the field to walk to and from the Wath Town Centre.
Crime and fear of crime would be reduced. Building a confident and cohesive community.
Future proposals include a MUGA and a play area on the field. Cameras would benefit this future proposal to hopefully prevent it being damaged.
Consultation Status
Consultation have now been completed for this project
Who has been Consulted
Residents in the area
How many Council Tenants will Benefit
Whole Estate
How will the Success be Measured
How will you measure the success of the project and what impact will it have within the community? Door to door satisfaction consultation. We have regular contact with these residents, and they will provide us with the necessary feedback.
Before Photo
Date Project Suggestion/Proposal Received
Date Project was Approved by Councillors