Floating Support Service for People Experiencing Domestic Abuse - Supported and sheltered housing

Service name
Floating Support Service for People Experiencing Domestic Abuse
Service type
Floating support
Accommodation type
Service active from
Service ID number
Client group
People at risk of domestic violence
Service description
This service provides housing related floating support to vulnerable people who are experiencing domestic abuse or who are at significant risk of domestic abuse, from the age of 16 +. The service will support both men and women and will ensure that support is provided appropriately to meet their specific needs. Service users will be eligible for support if they are resettling after a period of living without a permanent home (i.e. supported/temporary accommodation, refuge, living with family or friends, homeless) or are at risk of losing their home (prevention).
Age range
16 and over
Referral routes accepted
Self referral, Independent Domestic Violence Advocacy Service, RMBC Housing Department, RMBC Neighbourhood and Adult Services, South Yorkshire Police, statutory sector agencies, voluntary sector agencies
Is there a cost
Expected duration
Short term (six months)
Service capacity
Provider name
Rotherham RISE
Provider address
PO Box 769, Rotherham. S60 9JJ
Telephone number