Jobcentre Plus
- Jobcentre Plus has information on jobs for all ages and skills
- Use the Jobmatch on the GOV.uk site for details of all available vacancies
- You can also use the phone service to look for available jobs: 0845 6060 234
Useful Websites
Look in local newspapers such as The Star or The Advertiser as they carry many job adverts.
National newspapers are useful if you are thinking about applying for vacancies away from your local area.
Newspapers may be available to look at in public libraries.
Useful Websites
The Internet
It's important to be able to access the internet and have your own email address when searching for jobs. If you don't have access at home, you can always access the internet in an Early Help centre or library
Create an email address when applying for jobs that contains just your name e.g. joe.bloggs@emailaddress.com or jbloggs@emailaddress.com.
Many companies advertise their vacancies online, and in some cases they may only be advertised online. It is best to Google the company you are interested in, and seeing if they have a vacancies section on their site.
There hundreds of jobs sites on the internet that list jobs from all across the country, and can all advertise different jobs.
Useful Websites
National Apprenticeship Website
Employment Agencies
Employment agencies offer specialist and general job vacancies. Many of these jobs are temporary and some agencies will ask you for a CV when you register. They will also need to see proof of your identity and qualifications.
An agency may offer you a job at short notice and they can also finish temporary work with little or no warning.
Agencies will contact you if something suitable comes up, but it's a good idea to ring or visit them on a regular basis, as you may be in the right place when they receive new jobs.
Details of employment agencies are available from your local Early Help centre
Useful Websites
Further Help and Support
National Careers Service - careers advice and information on a wide range of jobs, training course resources and funding.
Plotr - find out information on the different career paths available in different areas of work.
Not Going to Uni - information on jobs, gap years and alternate study options for those not planning on going to University.
Success at School - is the place for young people to explore careers, get the lowdown on top employers, and search for the latest jobs, courses and advice.
Advice and Support
You can always talk to a Youth Support Worker.
Contact: EarlyHelp-enquiries@rotherham.gov.uk
Call: 01709 334905