
Support in Pregnancy - Midwifery

Keeping well in pregnancy is of benefit to mother, baby and wider family. The NHS site offers support on a range of things such as emotional wellbeing, nutrition, exercise, the impact of drugs and alcohol. This resource is also useful for those supporting someone who is pregnant. 

For further information on keeping well during pregnancy click the following link: Keeping well in pregnancy 

When you find out you are pregnant, a Community Midwife will take responsibility for your care and will be your named contact throughout your pregnancy and the postnatal period. 

Further information can be found on the Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust website: Your midwife

Midwives are based in Family Hubs and work alongside a number of different professionals to make life easier for families accessing activities and/or support.


There are a range of free NHS vaccinations available to protect you and your child from infectious diseases. A video has been produced by the NHS, which you can watch to find out more:

A leaflet has been produced by the NHS, which you can view here: Pregnant? Immunisation helps to protect you and your baby from infectious diseases
