Swinton Town Centre

Building works have started on affordable new homes, upgraded community buildings and public spaces in Swinton town centre, where Rotherham Council has entered into partnership with Ben Bailey Homes. 

Cllr Denise Lelliott, Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy performed a ceremonial ground-breaking alongside Rotherham Council Leader Councillor Chris Read, Council colleagues and partners from Ben Bailey Homes at the construction site off Charnwood Street.

Improvements to the Town Centre include:

  • 49 new homes on both sides of Charnwood Street
  • A newly refurbished library at the former customer service centre building
  • Upgraded and improved Civic Hall
  • A new public space area between the existing Civic Building and Station Street (with a walkway from Station Street)

Plans also include the demolition of the library off Station Street, which is set to be landscaped, and the refurbishment of the existing Council Customer Service Centre will house the new library.

Two, three and four-bedroom homes will be built on the site of the former council offices on Queen Street, the former swimming pool and health centre, and the old Charnwood House care home.

Improved walkways will make it easier to get to the Civic Square public space, the new library and homes – all of which are anticipated to attract more people to Swinton town centre.

As part of the partnership, Ben Bailey will provide:

  • £500 per home towards sustainable travel measures
  • £23,600 for the provision of replacement trees
  • £91,338 towards education provision