Towns and Villages Fund: Greasbrough Ward

Site selected

Land between Greasbrough Park and Greasbrough Recreation Ground

Greasbrough site showing grassed area and broken trees

The scheme sought to create a green corridor (pedestrianised link) between Greasbrough Park and Greasbrough Recreation Ground.

Identified site issues

The Park and the Recreation Ground were not considered to be particularly well linked for pedestrians, with direct routes following main roads. The footpath which ran through the site was narrow and corroded and did not link to the Park. This was considered to limit the potential for trips between the sites on foot.

Site issues showing broken path
Site issues showing over-hanging trees

Details of proposal

The scheme sought to create a green corridor (pedestrianised link) between Greasbrough Park and Greasbrough Recreation Ground with a feature seating area at the entrance on Croft Street. This included new footpaths, paved area, seating, signage and planting.

The underused green space between the Park and the Recreation Ground provided an opportunity to create an enhanced pedestrian link, to encourage greater use and linked trips between the two sites.  

The scheme was considered to support activities for both young people and older members of the community and would enhance use of the green spaces. This directly supported two of the Greasbrough ward priorities.

Following the improvement works, the area was be named ‘Brimmagem Fold’ in recognition of historic land use.


Greasebrough green plan


This scheme has now been successfully completed.

This has included the provision of improved footpaths, new seating, signage and bins.

Complementary site tidying and landscaping works have also taken place to enhance the wider greenspace.

Greasbrough image 1Greasbrough image 2Greasbrough image 3

For further information on this scheme please contact the Local Neighbourhoods Team:

Neighbourhood Coordinator - Nicola Antcliff


Telephone: 01709 255042

Senior Neighbourhood Coordinator - Shaun Mirfield


Telephone: 01709 255041