A development of new Council homes has welcomed its first tenants thanks to a pioneering housing scheme by Rotherham Council.
The development at Infirmary Road, Parkgate named Blacksmiths Court in a nod to the site’s previous use as a horses paddock and farriers, includes seven, high specification homes.
In addition to being energy efficient, the two and three bedroom homes built by Allert Building and Construction Ltd, have been future proofed through the inclusion of air-source heat pumps to help reduce energy bills for tenants.
One new tenant benefitting from one of the new properties said: “The estate is lovely and quiet, and the neighbours are all lovely people. The house itself is outstanding, the bedrooms are such a good size, much bigger than we’ve had previously.
“My garden is really important to me and this one is much more manageable which is great now we’re getting older and I’m looking forward to transforming it into our own.”
Launched in 2023, the Council’s Small Sites Housebuilding Initiative was developed together with Local Partnerships to help locally-based small and medium sized developers unlock sites for much needed new, high quality, affordable homes in the borough.
The scheme provides a fast-track route for developers to bring forward sites which they either own, or can acquire, with the Council committing to buy the homes off-plan for an agreed price before construction begins.
In addition to Council investment, the project was awarded grant funding from the Government’s Affordable Homes Programme (AHP), managed by Homes England. This project supports Homes England’s pledge to increase the number of additional homes delivered by small and medium sized enterprises.
Matthew Wright, Affordable Housing Delivery Manager at Homes England said: “As the Government’s housing and regeneration agency, increasing the supply of quality affordable homes remains one of our key objectives and we are committed to supporting ambitious housebuilders of all sizes to build those homes and communities.
“This investment through the AHP allows our partners and registered providers to do just that, it has enabled Rotherham Council to build seven much needed new homes the people of Rotherham can be proud of.”
The new homes will support the Council’s pledge to deliver hundreds of new high-quality homes across the borough by 2026 through its Housing Delivery Programme.
Rotherham Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing, Cllr Sarah Allen, said: “The new properties look fantastic and I’m delighted the tenants are settled and enjoying their new homes.
“With demand for Council housing continuing to rise, it’s vital the Council looks at all opportunities to build affordable homes. This initiative is a big step forward in supporting the Council’s pledge to deliver hundreds of new high-quality homes across the borough and I’d encourage any local developers interested in working with the Council to get in touch.”
There is no closing date for the Small Site Housebuilding Initiative and the Council welcomes applications from all developers on any current or future schemes.
The Council is particularly keen to hear about developments which could complete by March 2026.
For more information, including a video guide explaining how the initiative works please visit: www.rotherham.gov.uk/planning.
Pictured: Steve Sheen from Homes England, Rotherham Council Leader Chris Read, Rotherham Council's James Clark and Karl Leatham from Allert Building and Construction Ltd.