The Chief Executive of Rotherham Council, Sharon Kemp, has announced that she will step down from the role in late spring 2025, after nine years at the helm of the authority.
Ms Kemp has led the authority since 2016, driving forward an improvement journey at the Council which saw the return of powers from Government, and the Council’s Children’s Services transformed from a failing service to consistently being rated Good by Ofsted since 2017.
The organisation’s progress in recent years has been independently recognised, with an external corporate review in 2023 finding that “Rotherham Council serves the town well and is today an impressive organisation.” The endorsement coming on the back of the Council being named the ‘Most Improved Council’ in the country at the Local Government Chronicle (LGC) Awards in 2022.
Sharon said: "Rotherham is a great place. It's been an honour to play a part in the Council’s journey here over the last nine years, serving the elected representatives and residents of the Borough.
“I feel proud to be part of what the authority and the wider Rotherham partnership has achieved, and in working alongside such dedicated colleagues who care deeply about making a positive difference to the life of the Borough.
“I remain committed to making significant progress on our ambitions in my remaining time in this role, and to ensuring a smooth transition to the new Chief Executive when they are appointed.”
Cllr Chris Read, who has been Council Leader throughout Ms Kemp’s tenure, said:“Sharon will leave Rotherham Council this year in vastly better position than when she arrived nine years ago, in no small part because of the determination, integrity, commitment and values she brought to the role.
“She is an exceptional public servant, recognised by the government’s request for her to support Nottingham City Council’s improvement journey. We are enormously grateful for her time with us and wish her every success for the future.”