Rotherham Council’s Cabinet received a progress update about the Council Plan and Year Ahead Delivery Plan when it met on Monday 20 January 2025.
Over the past 6 months, Council teams have been working towards a range of targets across its five themes, providing services and projects across the borough for residents.
Currently, 25 actions on the Year Delivery Plan have been completed with 59 on track for completion.
Rotherham Council’s Leader, Cllr Chris Read, said: “The Year Ahead Delivery Plan is the Council’s pledge to residents on what we aim to deliver over the year, from setting targets on the number of roads being repaired or resurfaced to supporting people to access further training, education and employment, from the upkeep of our green spaces to delivering a variety of cultural events.
“The report outlines what residents have told us are their priorities for their local area and shows how we have delivered services based around these.”
Highlights of the report include:
- The Council successfully delivered several cultural events, allowing communities to come together, including the Reytons homecoming gig which attracted 20,000 people and brought an impressive £1 million to Rotherham’s economy
- 75% of Care Homes are now signed up as Infection Prevention and Control Champions, helping to protect our most vulnerable residents living in care
- The new Housing Repairs and Maintenance Policy was approved in November 2024 to ensure delivery of high quality, value for money repairs services. As at the end of September 2024, 94.4% of council housing repairs were completed “right first time” by our partners and contractors.
- At the end of September, 11,339 of 19,918 council housing properties were rated C and above in their Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
- The Council provided £1.586 million worth of food vouchers to children eligible for free school meals during the school holidays through to October half term 2024
- The Council’s Children and Young Peoples Services directorate has continued to provide high level support for children and young people in Rotherham. This includes increasing the number of families registered with a Family Hub to 75% of families in Rotherham with a child up to six months old.
- Regeneration projects, business and employment support have helped to expand economic opportunities in the borough. This includes the opening of the hotel and cinema at Forge Island in October 2024, creating hundreds of jobs in the heart of the town centre
- Over 1,500 people have attended 80 community-based training and support to get online through the Rotherham Digital 1 team. 1,000 digitally excluded residents have also received free sim cards.
- Projects and services have also contributed to making the local environment cleaner and greener, from completing the remedial work to Centenary Way Viaduct in November 2024, to delivering 34 effective enforcement actions against fly tipping and 2,445 effective enforcement actions for other environmental crime up to September.