The next stage of improvements to the town centre’s open spaces are due to start next week (w/c 29th March) on College Street.
The public realm works will see the introduction of new on-street pay and display parking bays, as well as new landscaping and seating, with feature lighting already installed.
This follows on from the Phase One works on Bridgegate which are expected to be completed as the works on College Street begin.
The scheme provides new paving and lighting, aimed at improving the look and feel to the area. The existing brick planters will also be removed to allow for additional parking, providing easier access to the town centre and supporting local businesses.
The conservation of the trees which sit at the junction of College Street and Effingham Street is a key priority. The works have been designed to ensure their preservation, whilst also creating a revamped seating area.
Rotherham Council’s Strategic Director for Regeneration & Environment, Paul Woodcock, said: “The improvements to the public spaces which form part of the Town Centre Masterplan are really taking shape and complement the new housing developments and leisure scheme at Forge Island.
“The plans for College Street show our commitment to creating an attractive, modern space that continues to support the regeneration of the town centre.”
Future phases of the public realm improvements across the town centre, which will include Frederick Street, Howard Street and Effingham Street, are under development.
The regeneration of Forge Island is continuing with the completion of phase one of the flood defence and enabling works. This will help deliver the full leisure scheme which includes a cinema, food and drink outlets, a hotel and car park.
Meanwhile the demolition of the former Primark building on High Street is now underway to create a pocket park and high-quality public space in the short term and, with longer term plans in development to deliver more quality town centre living opportunities.