Join a family activity day in Aston

Family activity day in Aston

Tenants, residents and accompanied children are invited to a free, fun family activity day in Anston,

The family activity day takes place on Thursday 11th August at the Green Space at the back of the Boiler House on Florence Avenue. The activity day takes place from 11am to 2pm.

Take part in activities including family rounders, an old school sports day and a treasure hunt. Please bring a picnic and a blanket, only light refreshments and a snack will be provided.

Have your say

We want to hear your opinions and ideas on a potential project on the area in front of the Boiler House on Florence Avenue, Aston. Aston Tenants and Residents Association (TARA) are in support of this consultation.

To find out more information about the event, please contact your Neighbourhood Coordinator Julie Pass, Tel: 01709 807855 I Mobile: 07717224664 I Email:

Published: 2nd August 2022