Have your say on plans to improve part of the Anston and Woodsetts Ward

Anston and Woodsetts Ward

Through the Towns and Villages Fund, improvements can be made to the shopping area on Quarry Lane, the green space off the Baulk and the green space between Nursery Road and Nursery Crescent.

A consultation is taking place and local residents can have their say.

Your Councillors, the Neighbourhoods team and the Towns and Villages team will be at the Quarry Lane shopping area, North Anston, S25 4DB on Saturday 11 February 2023 at 10.30am to 12.30pm.

The area around the shops has been chosen, as it is noted to suffer from some parking and highways safety issues, some issues of anti-social behaviour and has a generally untidy and unkempt appearance. It is considered that the area would benefit from general upgrades to the public realm to improve the overall appearance for local residents, businesses and visitors to the area.

The green spaces selected as part of the project are an asset to the local area, but improvements could uplift the appearance and give purpose to the areas for local residents.

For the area outside the shops, improvements could include upgraded surfacing, street furniture and soft landscaping. Improvements to street lighting, additional litter bins and the provision of CCTV could also be considered.

For the green spaces, work could take place to improve the appearance of the areas and give the spaces more purpose. This could include shrub planting, bulb planting and the potential to create a paved plaza with seating.

As works to revitalise and improve Rotherham Town Centre progress, it is important that investment into local centres is also made. To begin to address this, the Council has committed £4 million to deliver improvements to local towns and villages across the borough. 

The investment into the local area supports the Anston and Woodsetts Ward priority around 'cleaner streets, lanes, open spaces and protecting the environment'.

Face to face events will be carried out and postal questionnaires will be sent out to local businesses, landowners and residents. Consultation through social media channels will also take place.

Should you have any feedback, comments or suggestions on the proposal please email these to townsandvillages@rotherham.gov.uk.

All feedback received during the consultation will be collated, considered and incorporated into a concept design, which will go through a further round of consultation.

It is hoped that work will be carried out between Spring and Autumn 2023.

Further information can be found on the Towns and Villages Fund webpage.


Published: 8th February 2023