Rotherham Council’s Cabinet is set to approve a new policy for landlords on how to deal with damp, mould and condensation in rented homes across the borough.
Excess damp and mould in homes can be a severe hazard, causing respiratory problems and increasing allergies. The Council currently has a zero-tolerance, pro-active approach to reports of damp and mould in all Council-owned properties, and training has been put in place to ensure staff and contractors recognise the root causes of damp and mould, instead of putting all the responsibility on tenants.
Council house tenant, Jo Workman, has been living with her family in her Bramley council home for 17 years. She has noticed the improvement in how the Council deals with damp and mould.
Jo said: “We have an old house which I think was built in the 1920s or 1930s, and we have had problems with the drains on one side of the house. Many years ago, the first person who came to look at it wasn’t very helpful and told us we needed to stop drying our washing on the radiators and do this and that. It was horrendous.
“About six months ago, I went into my daughter’s room and I pulled something away from the wall and it was just black. I called the Housing Officer at the Council and he came to look at it right away. He said that mould was ingrained in the wallpaper and we needed to strip out the bedroom. Our experience this time has been so much better, both the Technical Officer, Mark, and the contractors have been absolutely amazing.
“It’s great that landlords are taking issues like this much more seriously now. Mark even told me about something I could buy to help with smaller bits of mould which we never had before.”
The new policy will outline what the role of landlords, both Council and private landlords, is when dealing with mould and damp issues in properties, and what rights tenants have if their landlord does not fulfil their role.
It will also advise tenants what they can do to reduce damp, mould and condensation in their homes including by allowing air flow, using extractor fan, and wiping away condensation.
Rotherham Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing, Cllr Sarah Allen, said: “Damp, mould and condensation is something everyone comes across in their homes at some point. While most of the time mould is harmless, left unchecked it can become a real health issue especially for our more vulnerable members in the community. As Jo’s story tells us, tenants don’t always get the high standard of service they are entitled to. This is why we are introducing the new Damp, Mould and Condensation Policy so that it can make a real difference to tenants’ lives as it will empower them to identify, treat and prevent damp, mould and condensation in their homes as well as ensuring their landlords give the right support.”
Further information about preventing damp and mould in your homes can be found online at