The Council is reviewing the current Home to School Transport Policy for school-age children and wants to hear from people in Rotherham.
A consultation questionnaire is now open online and will run through to Friday 23 February 2024.
The Council makes home to school travel arrangements for eligible children of school age. Eligibility can include:
- walking distances and unsafe walking routes
- special educational needs
- disability and mobility problems
The consultation is open to all and the Council is particularly keen to hear from schools, parents, carers, children, and young people, who are encouraged to take part by completing the online survey.
Responses will help to inform decisions around any proposed changes to the existing Home to School Transport policy. And some of the issues covered by the latest survey include:
- Eligibility for travel assistance
- Safety and appropriate behaviour on home to school transport
- Safeguarding and child protection
- Individual needs of each traveller
- Family travel budget payments
The consultation and policy review aims to improve accessibility to the service and provide better information to parents and carers about the service. This will enable parents and carers to make informed decisions about their children’s education.
Director for Regeneration and Environment, Paul Woodcock said: “We are committed to every child in the borough fulfilling their potential and to providing excellent education. For some children, home to school transport is key to them being able to do this.
“This service supports their independence and helps them along the path from childhood into adulthood. It’s important that people review the policy and share their thoughts on it, to help inform any changes that we may need to make.”
Home to School travel is an integral part of the school system. It ensures that children of compulsory school age can access education and fulfil their potential.
The Home to School Transport Policy is updated each year, ahead of the new academic year, and is based on guidance from the Department for Education (DfE) which sets out the Council’s legal responsibilities when making home to school travel arrangements for children.
A final draft policy will be developed after the consultation ends and is due to be presented to Cabinet for consideration in March 2024.
Paper copies of the survey are available at schools, or can be posted to your home address, by contacting 01709 249951 or
You can take part in the consultation here: