Brampton Youth Club - Job Club

  • Activity type: Social
  • Area: North
  • Cost: Free

Activity Summary

Youth skills academy, for young people aged 12 to 18.

A job club incorporating Confidence building activities to help improve self-esteem, we help young people set employment goals, identify barriers to learning. We identify employment and training opportunities and help them develop plans to overcome barriers and develop Individual Employment Plans.

Brampton Job Club Children's Capital of Culture

Activity Description

A drop-in session to help young people with:

  • Job Search Skills/completing applications
  • CV writing
  • Online and offline job search
  • Telephone Interviews
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Presenting yourself effectively to an employer
  • Accredited training

Brampton Job Club students looking at displays

Brampton Job Club students looking at displays

Activity dates and times

Thursday from 11am to 1pm.

Brampton Job Club table display Brampton Job Club table display Brampton Job Club table display

Activity Location

Brampton Youth Club

There are many issues which affect young people today and here at Brampton Youth Group our experienced and approachable youth workers aim to work for and with young people in a safe environment, encouraging and supporting young people to achieve their full potential. We try to make all our sessions and activities fun and interactive whilst tackling some very serious and sensitive issues.

Address: Brampton Youth Group
Cortonwood Comeback Community Centre
Chapel Avenue
S73 0XQ

Telephone: 01226 759572

Early Help logo

All agencies working together to ensure children, young people and families have their needs identified early so that they can receive swift access to targeted help and support.