Starting Secondary School

Starting Secondary School September 2024

If your child was born between 1st September 2012 and 31st August 2013, you need to apply now for a secondary school place for 2024.

If you do not live in Rotherham please contact your home authority. Applications made directly to us from Non-Rotherham residents cannot be accepted and you will be advised to re-submit your application to your home authority naming your preferred Rotherham school.

Any reference to secondary school includes aided school and academies.

  • The Online application portal will open on 1st July 2023
  • You are advised to have read and taken account of the information in our Admissions to Secondary Booklet 2024 before making your application.
  • The Government has deemed the National Closing Date for receipt of applications as 31st October 2023. You are advised that your application should be submitted by this date. If your application is late, you will be far less likely to get a place in your preferred school.
  • Other local authorities will have different admission arrangements to Rotherham. If you are including a School in another authority on your application, we strongly advised you check this with your local authority before checking your application.
  • If you do not live in Rotherham, contact your local admission team for further advice.
  • Applications made directly to us from non-Rotherham residents cannot be accepted and you will be advised to re-submit your application to your home authority naming your preferred Rotherham school.

False or misleading information

Rotherham Borough Council takes very seriously any attempt to gain an advantage in the admissions process by giving false information. It is important that the admissions system is fair for everybody.

Nobody should be allowed to cheat by using a friend or relative’s address, a business address or by temporarily renting a property near to a popular school. Each year a number of parents try to get a school place by providing false information, which could result in them taking a place that should have gone to another child.

The Local Authority will investigate all instances where a parent is thought to have provided false or misleading information in order to gain admission to a school.

Your address will be checked by reference to various records and, if necessary, by a council officer visiting the application address. A false application may result in the withdrawal of your child’s place in the school applied for, even if the child has already started school.

Need to contact us?

We are happy to discuss any queries you have. Please don't hesitate to get in touch; we are here to help.

Make a school admissions enquiry

If you submitted your application online you can log into your account on 1st March 2024 to view your school place offer. You will need to know your login details – the email account and password you used when you made your application.

Make an Application

For full details on how to apply for a Secondary School place:

Download the Secondary School booklet

Some schools may require you to fill out a supplementary Information form in order to aid your application. Any school that requires a supplementary information form will be listed below:

St Bernards Catholic High School

St Pius x Catholic High School