Rotherham Active Partnership

Rotherham Active Partnership (RAP)

RAP brings together the main planners and deliverers of sport and physical activity in the to agree and implement a joint vision by:

  • Allowing better communication and collaboration
  • Using data and insight to drive the work
  • Develop and support events and projects
  • Creating a joint voice to help influence other sectors

RAP sub-groups

The operating arms of the partnership are made up of enthusiastic people who are already making a huge difference to sport in Rotherham. The partnership has sub groups for Children and Young People, Adults and Older people, Disability, Place to be active and diversionary sport. These group offer support to its members and provides opportunities to share good practice.

In addition we support and administer action groups in Athletics, Cricket, Football, Gymnastics, Rugby, Tennis, Cycling and Walking.

Contact Rotherham Active Parnership (RAP)

For more information please contact Chris Siddall on

Telephone: 01709 822478