The Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority for our area. We have a duty to manage flood risk from 'local sources' in a way that makes best use of our resources. Our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy provides the framework for this.
The strategy explains how we will determine the location and size of flood risk. We have developed a coordinated, resourced and diverse action plan to manage the risk.
The Council has a responsibility to assess the risk to all properties. In Rotherham, only a small number of properties are at risk from river flooding. Most flood risk properties are at risk from smaller watercourses and surface water flooding. But properties with no history of flooding may be at risk during exceptional rainfall.
The strategy identifies fifteen objectives to ensure a comprehensive approach. Some of the significant objectives are:
- Improve the level of understanding of local flood risk
- Create an Asset Record and Register to record drainage infrastructure and assets
- Improve management of Council owned drainage and flood management assets. Encourage proactive, responsible maintenance of privately-owned flood defence and drainage assets
- Identify and promote viable schemes to reduce flood risk
- Promote buy-in by stakeholders and identify potential sources of funding
We have identified various actions to ensure we deliver the strategy objectives. The Council will manage most of the actions. Some actions will need the support and commitment of partners and residents.