Our council website

Website feedback

If you have trouble using our website, or suggestions on how we can improve it. You can send your comments directly to the website team.

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Who publishes the Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council website

This website is a service operated by:

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Riverside House
Main Street
S60 1AE

How we write for our website

We must produce content that the widest possible audience can understand.

Since 23 September 2020 all local government websites must be compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.

Disclaimer of liability

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council endeavors to ensure that the information contained within the Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council website is correct but does not accept any liability for error or omission howsoever caused and whether by the negligence or omissions of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council or otherwise.

Information, editorial, advertising, products and services provided by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council are provided on the basis that the council disclaims all warranties whether expressed or implied. Neither Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council nor the suppliers of information shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss of business profits or special damages.

Use and re-use of material on the website

The use and re-use of any data and content on the Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council website is permitted under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0, set out in full on the National Archives website, except where stated otherwise on individual pages of the council's website.

External links

On our site you will find links to external websites.

Although we make every effort to ensure these links are accurate, up to date and relevant, the council cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers.

Please note that external links from this website may include material of a political nature.

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council takes no responsibility for information contained on external links from this website.

External websites may not be accessible and may not be subject to the same accessibility regulations as local government websites.

Views expressed by individual councillors on their own webpages or on external sites they link to are not necessarily those of the council itself.