Report a problem of dog fouling
To report a problem of dog fouling, please use the below form:
Under the Rotherham Borough Council Dog Control Order (now a Public Spaces Protection Order), it is illegal for a dog to foul on designated land without the person in charge of the dog immediately removing the faeces.
- Fixed Penalty: £100
- Court Fine: Up to £1,000 if convicted at the magistrates’ court
Each year, Rotherham Council clears approximately two tons of dog fouling from streets and recreational areas due to irresponsible dog owners. Dog faeces can contain around 1 million microscopic Toxocara eggs, which can cause serious infections in humans, including blindness.
Your Responsibilities:
- Always clean up after your dog.
- Being unaware that your dog has fouled or not having a suitable means to remove the faeces is not an excuse.
For more details, read the Public Spaces Protection Order for Borough Wide Dog Fouling.