Adult Care, Housing and Public Health Market Position Statement: Market Overview

Resources and Finances

A key priority is the delivery of effective social care services, within a sustainable cost envelope and recognising the demand and market factors currently impacting these services.

The Council budget recognises the reduction of Government funding over the past 10 years.

The social care resources provided within the Finance Settlement for 2022/23 are welcome, but this level of additional funding still falls well short of the national social care funding gaps as calculated by the Local Government Association

Key Financial Facts

The Adult Care, Housing and Public Health proposed budget for 2022/23 is £94,817,000.

In recognition of the escalating demand and market costs to adult care, the council provides an extra £11m in the budget for adult social care services in 2022/23.

Adult Social care agreed savings as part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy are £2.8m for next 3 financial years.

The increase in Council Tax (excluding Parish, Fire and Police precepts) by 4.5%, comprising a 1.5% increase in the basic rate of Council Tax and a 3% Adult Social Care Precept (to raise an additional £3.4m in 2022/23 to contribute to funding increased costs of adult social care).

Total gross spend in 21/22 for the Adult Social Care, Housing and Public Health is £147.7m this was partly funded through contributions from service users, The Better Care Fund (allocated £45,486m in 21/22) and Government grants.

Resource Commissioning Intentions

The council will successfully manage the demand, market and provider pressures in Adult Social Care within the budget allocated, ensuring appropriate care and support is in place in accordance with the service development programme.

Budget All Commissioned Services

Table 11. 2022/23 Gross Budget for Commissioned Services

Cohort 2022/23 Gross Budget for Commissioned Services (£)
Direct Payments Home Care
Older People 3,724,612 10,242,180
Physical Disability (18-64) 5,942,391 1,716,000
Learning Disability 5,904,370 311,803
Mental Health 1,112,800 234,000
Total 88,938,809

Residential and Nursing Care Homes Older People

Table 12. Fees and Gross Budget Residential and Nursing Care Homes Older People

  Residential Residential EMI Nursing Nursing EMI
Fees 2022/2023 £550 £574 £565* £627*
Gross Budget Commissioned Services 22/23 £7,645,529 £7,304,532 £2,319,483 £2,273,464

*Excluding Funded Nursing Care element.

Older people care homes are receiving an 9.03% uplift (including weighting uplift + additional uplift) from 21/22 fees.

Home Care and Support Services

In 2021/22 the average hourly rate was £17.26.

A 7.19% inflationary uplift on tendered rates was applied early from 29th November 2021 making the average hourly rate for 2022/23 £18.50.

Specialist Provision

This includes learning disabilities and mental ill-health provision.

Costs of services reflect bespoke provision to meet individual needs and have arisen incrementally creating a range of accommodation costs and hourly rates.

Table 13. Percentage fee uplift for each service for 2022 to 2023

Specialist Provision % Uplift 22/23
Supported Living 6.11%
Care Homes for people with a learning disability 5.59%
Day Opportunities for people with a learning disability 5.95%
Care Homes for people with a physical disability and/or mental ill health 5.53%
Direct Payments (excluding personal assistants) 6.07%

Direct Payments

The Council aims to increase the allocation within personal budgets for payment of Personal Assistants through Direct Payments to ensure compliance with the Real Living Wage from 1 April 2021 (£9.90 per hour). It is hoped that the role will continue to be a career option for people with the right skills to support individuals to live independently.

Procurement Opportunities Table for specific costs associated with procurement opportunities.

Commissioning Enquiries

Contact us for any further information about the Adult Care, Housing and Public Health Market Position Statement.