Weddings and Ceremonies at Approved Premises

All approved premises for marriage and civil partnership have selected rooms that are licensed for the civil ceremony to take place in. The license dictates the maximum number of people the room can accommodate so please discuss this directly with your chosen venue. The maximum number of persons does include the venue staff, Registrars, photographers, videographers, musicians, the couple, two witnesses and all guests inclusive of babies and children.

How much does it cost?

The following link contains details of the fees involved in getting married or forming a civil partnership in Rotherham. This includes the fees required for giving notice of marriage/ civil partnership, the cost of your ceremony being conducted and registered and any certificates you require.

Arrange a marriage or civil partnership – Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Personalising my ceremony 

You can have non-religious readings and music included in your ceremony. You also get to choose from a range of options different wording to be included in your ceremony. If you would like to write your own vows, you are more than welcome to do so. Our registration team will review any personal vows and choices requested for inclusion prior to the ceremony.

Photography, videography, and live music are permitted. Please let us know of any live musicians that will be at your ceremony.

Using a celebrant instead of a registrar

If you choose to have an independent celebrant instead of a Registrar there are some key differences and legal matters that you need to be aware of before you book.

Celebrants cannot perform a legal marriage or civil partnership ceremony. Any certificates a celebrant may provide you with at ceremonies have no legal standing for changing your name or proving your marriage or civil partnership to different organisations. Your celebrant must open the ceremony by explaining that it is a commemorative ceremony only and that you have already been through a legal marriage/civil partnership elsewhere.

If you decide to use a celebrant, you will need to have given notice of marriage or civil partnership at your local register office and have your legal marriage or civil partnership ceremony at a licenced venue for civil ceremonies or register office before your celebrant ceremony. Your actual date of marriage/civil partnership will be that of the legal ceremony not that of your celebrant led celebratory ceremony.

It is important to note that many celebrants are sole traders and may not be able to attend your ceremony if they become unwell or have a personal emergency to attend to. Registrars are part of a large team which helps ensure, no matter what happens, your ceremony is always covered.

Both celebrants and Registrars can provide a personalised ceremony experience for your special day.

Approved premises for marriage or civil partnership ceremonies

If you would like to make a new ceremony booking or have an enquiry regarding an existing booking for a ceremony, please contact the Registration Service using the form below with your names, time and date of your ceremony booking and the name of the venue.

Contact the registration service team

Below is a list of venues in Rotherham where civil marriage and civil partnerships can take place. 

The following information confirms Registrar’s attendance fees to conduct and register your marriage, civil partnership or other celebratory ceremony:

Arrange a marriage or civil partnership – Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Registration Service Privacy Policy

This policy explains how the information we collect about you is used and your rights in relation to that information.