Invitation to bid for the Co-production and delivery of third party sector providing crisis and support services
Following the process of co-design, We are now seeking to appoint a partner VCS organisation for the co-production and delivery of Crisis support services for three years 2024,/25, 25/26, and 26/27.
This will include the co-production of detailed delivery for crisis loans and food with links to wider holistic support for residents in need taking forward a four-tier model of food provision developed through a co-design process. This will include make links to advice service provision and neighbourhood working. It will lead to entering into service level agreements between partner organisations.
Annual budget
An annual budget allocation has been made providing:
- £60,000 for Crisis Loans
- £34,000 for infrastructure and supply of food for foodbanks (Community Food Members) including £4,000 support for social supermarkets
- £10,000 for supporting co-ordination of the Food Crisis Partnership, collection and circulation of data and provision of a referrals process
This successful co-production and delivery of crisis support requires partnership working across a range of activity and organisations in order to provide the whole model. To this end, it is critical that commitment of the range of partners needed to co-produce and deliver is demonstrated at the bid stage. This will be achieved by the requirements for either a lead organisation to bid identifying the partner agencies engaged, or a joint partnership bid.
The bid for co-delivery needs to set out:
- The methodology for how the organisations will engage with each other in a single service level agreement with RMBC and other relevant third party sector providerds in the co-delivery
- Partnership working around crisis support including management of the Food in Crisis Partnership and the approach to enhancing partnership working
- Maintaining and developing the network of Community Food Members and other crisis food provisions
- Opportunity to provide holistic support provision alongside food
- Crisis loans provision including how crisis loans can be best focused including eligibility criteria etc
- Appraoch to engagement with wider work in Rotherham around tackling deprivation and supporting neighbourhood working
- Demonstration and commitment of management capacity to co-delivery, including receipt and management of the grant and grant compliance matters.
- How the other third sector providers will be supported to participate in the integrated model of advice provision.
If you would like know more about the bidding process or would like to request any additional information please use the link below;
Community & Living: Request further information on bidding for crisis support provision
The closing date for bids is Thursday 21st December 2023.