Lead voluntary organisation for co-design and co-delivery of grant funded voluntary sector advice services in Rotherham
The Council is seeking to appoint a lead organisation from among voluntary sector advice providers in Rotherham to develop a co-designed and co-delivered advice service commencing in April 2024. The co-design will lead to three-year service level agreements (from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2027) with the partner voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations. A budget of £240,000 per annum is allocated for the delivery of the service level agreement.
Specifically, the bid to lead the co-design and co-delivery needs to set out:
- The methodology for how the organisation will engage with the other third sector providers in the co-design and co-delivery;
- A timetable outlining key steps for co-design process, which should be completed by the end of July 2023;
- An outline of how engagement can work around and be improved in the key areas of advice;
- An understanding of changing demands for advice, especially around cost of living issues;
- How services can be developed to reduce waiting times for service users;
- How a commitment to support equalities across all communities (including protected characteristic groups) will be implemented in practice.
- Demonstration and commitment of management capacity to lead both the co-design and co-delivery, including receipt and management of the grant and grant compliance matters; and
- How the other third sector providers will be supported to participate in an integrated model of advice provision, including working with advice and advocacy services provided by the Council. This to include how locality-based VCS organisations can host outreach advice provision, linking with other community services including crisis support, to better meet community needs.
- How referral pathways can be improved between advice and other service providers to ensure that no one gets lost in the system.
- The lead organisations capacity to manage and deliver a project of this size and nature
- The lead organisation’s legal status and related governance structures
- The latest annual accounts to evidence the good financial health of the organisation
Bids should be sent in a letter format by e-mail addressing the criteria set out above. The co-design process is that set out in the Rotherham Compact which sets out the relationship between the Council and VCS in Rotherham. Other information on local priorities is available in the Council Plan and Rotherham Plan.
The closing date for bids is 5pm on Tuesday 30th May 2023. Bids should be sent to waheed.akhtar@rotherham.gov.uk
For an informal discussion please contact Waheed Akhtar, Communities Manager, Assistant Chief Executive’s Directorate
E: waheed.akhtar@rotherham.gov.uk
T: (01709) 822795