Boston Castle ward

Ward plan

Providing vibrant, connected and safe neighbourhoods is a priority for Rotherham Council and communities are at the heart of everything we do.  Boston Castle Ward Councillors were elected to listen to your views and work with you to make a difference in the local community.

We know many of our residents are passionate about making their community a better place to live and we are here to work in partnership and make these improvements a reality.  Councillors used a range of information – listening to local residents and council staff, looking at statistics and other data – to develop these ward priorities:

Boston Castle Ward priorities

Priority 1: Continue to address community safety

  • Use the Community Action Partnership (CAP) element of the regular Ward Briefings to receive and respond to reports of crime/anti-social behaviour
  • Ensure a focus on the town centre and surrounding areas, including the development of the Towns and Villages funded work on Wellgate
  • Explore what actions are being taken to address any substance misuse issues
  • Use the Ward Briefings to receive reports in respect traffic management  


Priority 2: Support activity around Cost of Living

  • Link up with RotherFed projects and promote other related work
  • Support local food banks/social supermarkets
  • Provide support to schools and community groups who are working with local families


Priority 3: Support activity that promotes community cohesion given the cultural diversity in the ward

  • Support new / existing groups who seek to bring people together
  • Support communities / groups to develop celebration events / festivals
  • Support projects raising awareness of different cultures
  • Support projects working with communities of interest covering issues e.g. age, disability, race, religion etc 


Priority 4: Promote information/services that provide support for adults who want to build skills and/or need support to access employment opportunities

  • Link up with existing projects including the Council's Employment Solutions and Financial Inclusion, and Multiply and Advance
  • Promote adult education opportunities