Hoober ward

Ward plan

Providing vibrant, connected and safe neighbourhoods is a priority for Rotherham Council and communities are at the heart of everything we do.  Hoober Councillors were elected to listen to your views and work with you to make a difference in the local community.

We know many of our residents are passionate about making their community a better place to live and we are here to work in partnership and make these improvements a reality.  Councillors used a range of information – listening to local residents and council staff, looking at statistics and other data – to develop these ward priorities:

Hoober Ward priorities

Priority 1: Improving road Safety

  • Work with partners to address local concerns around road safety improvements
  • Work with communities to help alleviate parking problems, speeding and improve traffic flow

Priority 2: Addressing environmental issues and making good use of green spaces/community assets for everyone

  • Continue to support communities with initiatives that help keep the ward clean, safe and welcoming for all, e.g. signage, enforcement, community clean ups, litter picks, promotion of services and education
  • Improve community facilities/assets/greenspaces whilst ensuring accessibility for all
  • Deliver high visibility walkabouts with partner agencies and the community to address local issues

Priority 3: Tackling crime and anti-social behaviour

  • Working in partnership with the Police and other partner agencies using a problem solving approach to tackle local issues
  • Work with partners to promote reporting of crime and anti-social behaviour using a variety of mediums

Priority 4: Support opportunities for bringing people together, enhancing community spirit, and support the communities and its groups to thrive

  • Support activities that address loneliness, isolation and mental wellbeing
  • Promote community cohesion, inclusion and equality
  • Share information, services and promote local activities
  • Support community groups and the development of new groups
  • Work with community groups to set up a community networking partnership
  • Continue to engage with the community on issues that matter to them, e.g. fuel poverty
  • Maximising the use of facilities and encourage/support more community events