Ward plan
Providing vibrant, connected and safe neighbourhoods is a priority for Rotherham Council and communities are at the heart of everything we do. Wickerlsey North Ward Councillors were elected to listen to your views and work with you to make a difference in the local community.
We know many of our residents are passionate about making their community a better place to live and we are here to work in partnership and make these improvements a reality. Councillors used a range of information – listening to local residents and council staff, looking at statistics and other data – to develop these ward priorities:
Wickersley North Ward priorities
Priority 1: Improving community safety by continuing to address crime and anti-social behaviour
- Continuing regular Community Action Partnership meetings, working collaboratively with partners, including South Yorkshire Police and Housing
- Working with partners to improve road safety, including regular speed watches and activities to tackle off-road biking and parking concerns
- Working with partner agencies to tackle drug related issues
- Take part in community walkabouts and street surgeries, encouraging residents to report issues from their neighbourhood
- Enhance lighting in Wickersley Park in partnership with Wickersley Parish Council
- Representing residents on licensing and planning consultations
- Proactive provision of target hardening resources, advice and information
Priority 2: Improving our streets and green spaces, so the community can access & enjoy them
- Including improving roads, pavements, green spaces, parks and street cleanliness
- Accessing the Towns and Villages fund to enhance local amenities in Wickersley centre (Tanyard area)
- Organising clean-up days and skip days with the community
- Encourage positive engagement of private and Council house tenants, including producing a tenancy handbook.
Priority 3: Promote opportunities for bringing people together, enhancing community spirit and improving mental and physical wellbeing
- Supporting projects/initiatives that promote positive mental health and wellbeing
- Promoting services that provide financial advice & support, particularly in response to the cost-of-living and energy crises
- Supporting activities and groups within Neighbourhood Centres and community centres across Wickersley North, with projects such as digital inclusion, post-pandemic recovery and tackling social isolation
- Support projects & activities for children and young people
Priority 4: Support a clean and safe environment
- Supporting green initiatives, such as tree planting and community clean-up days
- Supporting local community groups or organisations with local environmental projects, such as gardening, wildlife and litter picking