Land Clearance at Swinton - Ward Housing Hub Projects 2020-2021

Project Reference
Project Title
Land Clearance at Swinton
Location of Project
Land on Beck Close, Lawrence Drive and Haythorne Way
Ward Plan which includes the Ward Priorities
Overview (including aims)
The estate was subject to a large number of planted areas when it was built. These areas have declined in their condition over a number of years and have become unsightly areas where litter and rubbish gathers. Streetpride are unable to maintain them to the standard and frequency as they have done in the past and they are now having a detrimental effect on the street scene. We are proposing that these bits of land are cleared and re-seeded to improve the area. By improving the area where the tenants live, it will improve the overall look and feel of the estate and encourage residents to do the same with their own properties.
Consultation Status
Consultation have now been completed for this project
Who has been Consulted
Local residents, Streetpride and ward members
How many Council Tenants will Benefit
How will the Success be Measured
Through community feedback
Date Project Suggestion/Proposal Received
Date Project was Approved by Councillors