The Council maintains trees on public land, including parks, woodlands and open spaces.
We have an ongoing maintenance programme to encourage growth and make sure that our trees do not obstruct roads or paths.
We do not maintain trees on private land, but require the owner to take action as necessary.
We carry out work to prune or remove our trees when they are:
- Dead, dangerous or diseased
- If the tree or part of the tree has fallen or is at risk of falling
- Obstructing access or headroom to paths and roads
- In contact with buildings and are causing damage
- Obstructing road signs, lighting columns and sight lines for traffic
We do not carry out work to prune or remove trees for the following reasons:
- They are shedding leaves, fruit, honeydew etc.
- Bird droppings, insects or other wildlife
- They are in contact with telephone wires (you can report this to BT Openreach) or interfering with a TV signal
- Allegations of damage to a property
- They are shading properties or blocking a view.
- Because the trees are tall or have overhanging branches
- Causing issues with solar panels, drains or water pipes