Childminder Support

Updated March 2022

As part of our ongoing improvements to service delivery, the Early Years and Childcare Service have developed:

  • EQuIP – Early Years Quality Improvement tool
  • Childminder  – Self Evaluation Tool

The new Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage was effective from September 2021; the ‘EQuIP’ tool is predominantly based on the 3 sections within the framework.  Rather than RAG rating childminders, we will now be considering the elements that are securely in place, partly in place or not in place. 

A full EQuIP will be completed every 2 years, this includes all 3 sections.  A part EQuIP (sections 1 and 2) will be completed 12 months after the full review.

Section 3 contains the Safeguarding and Welfare requirements which need to be legally in place but rather than us monitoring these continually we want to refocus our support to quality improvement in relation to teaching and learning. 

The self-evaluation tool has been developed using the Ofsted Early Years Inspection Handbook.  It is intended for you to use at intervals to self-evaluate each area that Ofsted will consider and grade during your inspection. When using the document you will need to consider each of the questions and decide if this is securely in place, partly in place or not in place. This tool should then be used to help you action plan, with the ultimate aim being that all points are ‘securely in place’ over time. This tool is designed to be shared with your Childcare Officer and can be used to facilitate discussions during Outreach Visits and the EQuIP process.

All childminders will be offered visits; on completing the reviews your Childcare Officer will discuss any additional support available to you. 

Please note not every aspect of the EYFS Framework or Ofsted Handbook will be referenced so please ensure you are fully adhering to all legal requirements and Ofsted requirements.

If you would like any further information on the EQuIP process, please contact your Childcare Officer.  They will be contacting you all to book in visits.

Childminder EQuIP documents