Speech, Language & Communication Needs (SLCN)

SLCN Assessment & Screening Tools


Being able to accurately assess a child’s abilities in early language and communication is crucial to supporting their ongoing development.

Our 0-5 Speech, Language, and Communication (SLC) assessment tool is designed to be used where there are concerns about a child’s SLC development. It will help identify which aspects of communication and language a child may need support with.

Download the SLC assessment tool.


Early identification is key to assessing speech, language and communication.  To support you screening children we have developed an 18-month SLCN screening checklist and the 3.5-year SLCN screening checklist.  Additional to these will be the Early Language Intervention measures at the age of 2 years (coming soon).

18-month SLCN screening checklist.

3.5-year SLCN screening checklist.

Please read these carefully, some of these qualities alone may not indicate speech, language and communication needs but the overall picture will give some indication of any support needed.

The early identification of a child needing extra support must include the following:

  1. Discussion with parents
  2. Observations of the child
  3. Your knowledge of child development and language acquisition
  4. Reference to any EYFS or alternative non-statutory guides the setting is using.

It is important to consider progress or lack of progress – this may be evidenced by your knowledge of the child, and any non-statutory assessment tools that your provision may use.

Don’t forget that at all times you need to follow your settings Inclusion policy and procedures. The child’s key person would be best placed to speak with the SENDCo, and then to the parents.

You can contact the Early Years Inclusion team for professional advice and support by emailing FIS@rotherham.gov.uk.

For more information about speech and language development please visit Universally Speaking (speechandlanguage.org.uk)