Culture, Sport and Tourism
Introduction to Culture, Sport and Tourism
Events Team
Information Collected:
- Name.
- Address.
- Telephone Number.
- Email.
- Car Registration (where appropriate).
- Environmental Health Registration (where appropriate).
- Public Liability Insurance (where appropriate).
- Photography Consent
Agencies we might share the information with:
- Emergency Services (where appropriate).
- Internal Departments (where appropriate).
- RESAG Members (Rotherham Events Safety Advisory Group).
Purpose for Processing:
- Service Delivery.
- Service Improvement.
Urban Green Spaces
Information Collected:
- Customer Name
- Address
- Telephone Number
- E-mail address
- Gender
- Age / Date of Birth
- Pre-existing Medical Conditions / Disability Registration
- Ethnicity
Agencies we might share the information with:
- Other Council Services
- Commercial Lessees (where issues are in respect of services they provide)
- Law Enforcement Agencies
- Allotment Society Secretaries
- Statutory Organisations supported by legislation
Purpose for Processing:
- Service delivery
- Service Improvement
- Prevention or Detection of Crime or Anti-Social Behaviour
Countryside Sites
- Rother Valley Country Park
- Thrybergh Country Park
- Ulley Country Park
- Waleswood Caravan & Camping Site
Information Collected:
- Customer Name
- Address
- Date of Birth/Age
- Disability/Additional Needs
- Contact Details
- Payment Details
- Qualifications
- Learning and Development Activity
• Photography Consent
• Car registration
• Pre-existing Medical Conditions / Disability Registration
• Ethnicity
Agencies we might share the information with:
- Other Council Services
- Government Bodies/Inspectors
- Law Enforcement Agencies
- Statutory organisations supported by legislation
Purpose for Processing:
- Service delivery
- Service improvement
- Prevention/Detection of Crime/Fraud
- Service Planning/Research
Landscape Design Service
Information Collected:
- Customer Name
- Address
- Telephone Number
- E-mail address
- Gender
Agencies we might share the information with:
- Internal departments
- External clients (typically a school, parish council, NGO or Friends group.
- Framework Contractors (only where access to property is required).
Purpose for Processing:
- Service delivery
- Query handling
- Complaint resolution
Rotherham Visitor Centre
Information Collected:
- Customer Name
- Address
- Telephone Number
Agencies we might share the information with:
- Tourist Information
Purpose for Processing:
- Service delivery
Active Rotherham (Sports Development)
Information Collected:
- Name
- Address/ postcode
- Age
- Sex
- Tel numbers
- Emergency contact name and number
- Disability or medical conditions
- Medication
- Current activity levels
- School
- Ethnicity
- Consent to take part
- Store Information
- Photography consent- RMBC & Places Leisure
Agencies we might share the information with:
- Places Leisure on children’s consent forms
Purpose for Processing:
- Service delivery
- Service Improvement
- Health & Safety
- Service Planning/Research
- Marketing (direct promotion)
Rotherham Theatres
Information Collected:
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Email address
- Postcode
- Performance attendance
Agencies we might share the information with:
- Ticketing software supplier currently Ticketsolve
- Flow Solution UK Ltd
- Arcane Direct Marketing
- Theatre Production companies (explicit consent)
- Law enforcement Agencies
- Mailchimp (solely for Rotherham Theatres marketing)
Purpose for Processing:
- Service delivery
- Service Improvement
- Prevention/Detection of Crime/Fraud
- Service Planning/Research
- Marketing
- Communication re performance
- Communication re payment
- Photography consent
Tree Service
Information Collected:
- Customer Name
- Address
- Telephone Number
- E-mail address
- Gender
Agencies we might share the information with:
- Glendale (Council’s tree works contractor)
Purpose for Processing:
- Service delivery
Libraries and Neighbourhood Hubs
Information Collected:
- Name
- Address
- DoB/Age
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Contact details
- Parental consent to allow photographs of children to be published
- School attended
- Disability
- Interests
- Parental consent for PC internet access
Agencies we might share the information with:
- Partner Agencies
- Internal Departments
- Law Enforcement Agencies
- Organisations, working in partnership with the Council, who are partly or fully operating library services on its behalf.
Purpose for Processing:
- Service delivery
- Service Improvement
- Prevention/Detection of Crime/Fraud
- Service Planning/Research
Customer Services
Information Collected:
- Name
- Address
- DoB/Age
- National Insurance Number
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Nationality
- Marital Status
- Contact details
- Household details
- Financial Information
- Bank Account details
Agencies we might share the information with:
- Partner Agencies
- 3rd party providers
- Law Enforcement Agencies
- Internal Departments
Purpose for Processing:
- Service delivery
- Service Improvement
- Prevention/Detection of Crime/Fraud
- Service Planning/Research
Museums, Arts & Heritage Services
- Museums
- Archives and Local Studies
- Built landmarks under local authority control
Information Collected:
- Name
- Address
- Contact Details
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Postcode
- Disability
- Age
- Parental consent to allow photographs of children to be published
- Parental consent for children and young people to participate in projects and activities
- Schools visited including contact details
- Events Attended
- Marketing Preferences and Communications sent/received
- Financial Transaction/Donations Given or Pledged
Agencies we might share the information with:
- Partner agencies including CIPFA and Audience Agency (profiling data)
- Internal departments
- Law enforcement agencies
- Statutory organisations
- Funding organisations
Purpose for Processing:
- Service delivery
- Service Improvement
- Prevention/Detection of Crime/Fraud
- Service Planning/Research
- Marketing/Promotion/Fundraising
- Analysis, targeting and segmentation
Rotherham Music Hub
Staff and Governing Board
- Name
- Address
- Contact Details
- Postcode
- E-mail Address
- Age
- Ethnicity
- Sexuality
- Disability
Schools and Academies
- Name
- Address
- Contact Details
- Postcode
- E-mail Address
- Service Level Agreements
Parents, Carers and Customers
- Name
- Address
- Contact Details including telephone numbers
- Postcode
- E-mail Address
- Parental consent forms for lessons, photographs and social media
Pupil Data
- Name
- Address
- Contact Details
- Postcode
- E-mail Address
- Age
- Gender
- Register of parental receipt of benefits
- Status regarding additional needs
Agencies we might share the information with.
- Arts Council
- Paritor
- Police and Law Enforcement Agencies
- Funding Applications
- Cross Council Service Areas
Purpose for Processing
- Service delivery
- Monitoring and tracking of service reach
- Service planning and improvement
- Marketing
- Promotion and ticketing